Monday, April 15, 2013


This week we are learning about bugs and insects! It's spring time in Texas which means the flowers are blooming and so are all the bugs! We are dicovering types of insects, the parts of insects, what they eat and their life cycles. We will be busy reading about bugs, observing them, sorting them (fake bugs of course) and creating them!
Today we made a beetle with homemade puffed paint. Here is the recipe if you would like to try at home, it was so easy!
  • 1 tablespoon self-raising flour
  • a few little drops of food colouring
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • Then add some water to make a nice smooth paste.
    Paint away on a nice thick sheet of cardboard (if you don’t have enough paint brushes use cotton buds – they work really well).
    Microwave the design on high for 10 – 30 seconds until the paint puffs and it’s all nice and dry. We did ours for 30 seconds.

    I hope you all have a blessed week!
    Krista Langford

    Tuesday, April 9, 2013

    Grandparent's Day

    This is a reminder that this Friday, April 12 is Grandparent’s Day at CCS. All the students will be participating in a performance for their grandparents at 10:00am on Friday in the Parish Hall. After the program we will be serving cookies and lemonade, and then the grandparents are invited back to the school to visit our class and pick up a special gift made from each student. I plan on having the children make 2 sets of gifts for their grandparents, but if they have more or less grandparents coming, please let me know ASAP. Parents, of course, are more than welcome to come as well. If you have any questions please email me back.


    Krista Langford

    Monday, February 25, 2013

    Cowboy Day

    We have been super busy the last few weeks! Last week and part of this week we have been talking about Dental Health and Healthy Teeth. This week we will be starting our Texas Study Unit. We will be learning about the state symbols, including state flower, star and flag. To celebrate the beginning of this unit we will be having cowboy day on Friday March 1, 2013. You may dress your child in cowboy gear including boots. However we are asking to bring an extra pair of school approved shoes for later in the day. We will be cooking hot dogs on that day so please bring towels or blankets to sit on as we picnic. If your child does not want hot dogs, please bring your own sack lunch. This is all of the information that I have about Cowboy Day. As I get more information such as times and events, I will let you know. Hope you are all having a blessed school year, I know I am!
    Krista Langford

    Tuesday, February 12, 2013

    Valentine's Day

    Valentine's Day is less than two days aways and we have been busy making heart inspired art projects! We learned how to make pink using red and white paint and purple by red and blue paint. We used the pink and purple paint to paint hearts with. 
    Tomorrow is also Vihaan's birthday! He will be 3 years old and they will be bringing cupcakes for us to celebrate with him. Happy Birthday Vihaan!
    This Monday, February 18, there will be no school and parent teacher conferences. Hope to see you all there. If you need child care that day, there will be Extended Care, ask the office for more details.
    Hope you all have a blessed week and holiday!
    Krista Langford

    Monday, February 11, 2013

    Lent: Growing Closer to God!

    Here in the Episcopal church we are getting ready for the season of Lent. Today in my class we did a little preparation so the children are prepared for Ash Wednesday. During Lent, we do things to help us to know God better and the life of God's son, Jesus. Sometimes we spend extra time in prayer or in reading the Bible. Some people make the choice to give up something like television or chocolate. Years ago, people did not eat rich foods such as butter, eggs, or sugar during the Lent season. This brought about the tradition of Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday as some call it, to eat all those things you wouldn't allow yourself to eat during this season.

    The children and I also talked about the story of Jesus in the Wilderness from Matthew 4:1-11. See if your child remembers the 3 temptations of Christ.

    All the children are coming home with a little pipe cleaner pretzel. If you would like to see the story and tradition they learned about, you can retell the story below to your child or have them tell it to you.

    Angelo and the Pretzel

    A long time ago, there was a monk in Italy named Angelo. Angelo worked in the monastery kitchen baking bread.

    One morning, Angelo began to bake the day's bread. Since it was Lent, he didn't put any butter, eggs or sugar into the dough.

    While the bread was in the oven, Angelo sat down to think and pray. The children in his parish didn't seem to be learning their prayers. He wished he could come up with a clever way to help them remember. As Angelo thought, he rolled a leftover piece of dough between his fingers.

    In his day, the children were taught to fold their arms across their chest when they prayed. Angelo kept on thinking as he rolled that piece of leftover dough.

    Suddenly, he had an idea! Angelo twisted the rolled piece of dough into the shape of praying arms.

    He put the dough on a pan and baked it. Angelo got busy cleaning the kitchen and let the dough bake too long. But when he tasted it, he decided it was delicious.

    "I will call this treat a 'pretiola' (preh-zi-o-la) which means 'little reward,'" he said. "My treat will be a reward for the children who learn their prayers."

    That afternoon, Angelo baked an entire batch of pretiolas. When the children came to the bakery to visit him, he gave the pretiolas to those who knew their prayers.

    Before long, all the children began to remember their prayers, and they ate batch after batch of pretiolas.

    And that's the story of a monk named Angelo and the very first pretzel.

    Wednesday, February 6, 2013


    February is here and that means so is Valentine's Day! We will be having a class party on Thursday February 14 at 11am. I have a sign up sheet in the class for food to bring. Our class will be learning about Valentine's Day traditions, symbols, and stories. We will have a card exchange the day of the party and there are 8 students in the class, so please bring enough for everyone.
    Monday, February 18 is President's Day which means there is no school. We will be having Parent/teacher conferences that day and extended care only. I have a sign up sheet in my room for conferences, so please sign up or email me a time that works best.
    I hope you are all enjoying this wonderful February weather!
    Krista Langford

    Monday, December 10, 2012

    2 Weeks Until Christmas Break

    Hello Parents!
    Only two weeks until Christmas break, I hope y'all are ready, I know I am! Just a reminder our Christmas program is tomorrow night at 5:30 but please meet at 5:15 in the music room. Remember to dress your child in a star costume. Also, next Friday is our Christmas Party. Our class is going to have a Pajama Party that day and make hot cocoa and decorate cookies. I will also provide a sign up sheet for food you would like to bring for lunch.
    One more thing, the school's Gala is coming up in February and each class is expected to make and donate something for the auction. If anyone has any ideas of what to make, let me know, I have a few ideas but would love some extra input, especially from all you crafty parents! Hope you have a blessed week!
    Krista Langford